
Well… Our house is under contract and set to close in 2.5 weeks. I haven’t packed one box. Eric and I have been working on getting our “new” house ready. It was a foreclosure and needs so much work. We’ve already done a ton to the house, but we still need trim, paint, floors, plumbing and electrical work done before we move in (in 18 days!) I think Eric is going to pull it all off (just barely!)

So, I don’t expect I’m going to be writing much in the month of February. But if you like to organize, purge and pack, you are welcome to stop by :-)

And here’s a random video (that I just watched on my friend Shelly’s blog) that made me laugh so hard my side hurt. We all need a good laugh, don’t we?

5 thoughts on “Crazy

  1. Anne Wenger says:

    “You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in You, whose thoughts are fixed on You!” That is my prayer for you and all the family while this intense, crazy activity transpires. Wow! I can only imagine the whirl going on. Keep your mind fixed on God and I pray you experience the stillness you mentioned in another post not too long ago.


  2. Lucel-Melody Wings says:

    Reminds us to be CAREFUL what we write, Lol (re video). Had me in stitches.

    Congrats on the selling of your home! Hope folks come help you pack and Eric with painting, elect and etc……Hope this is yet another one of those times when our amazing community is able to pull together to help.

    For we snail-mailers, hope you’ll get your new addy out to us asap (and that they’ll also forwarward from your soon-to-be-old address, for those of us with brain-glitches, Lol.

    We used to move so much as a kid (army bratt), that we had it down to a fine art. Daresay with the two homes relatively close it’s not as complex a situation (you know where the TP and the stores are, for whatever’s burried in that bottom box, Lol).

    Take Good Care.
    Wishing you LOTS of humor and TONS of patience and grace.


  3. Perhaps you should keep this video on hand when you feel overwhelmed with packing, moving, and fixing up the house! What a hoot! So funny! Literally laughed out loud!
    Seriously! God be with you as you prepare to move. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve moved and I’m still alive, so I it is possible to live through it! It will all be worth it when all is done, too! Good luck and God bless!


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