Level paths for Weak Knees

Let me be real for a moment…I’m struggling to trust. I’m struggling to look past the visual evidence. All I see are Anne’s weak knees. Her body is outgrowing the strength of her muscles. She struggles to straighten her legs when she walks. It makes me sad.

I’m also worried about the future – specifically where Anne will go to middle school. She just entered the 5th grade at the same school she’s attended since the accident. Next year brings major change – which makes me anxious.

Sadness, anxiety, worry. These are not the emotions of faith. I find myself crying out to God for help to trust.

This morning, God led me to this passage:

Therefore, strengthen your feeble arms and weak knees. “Make level paths for your feet,” so that the lame may not be disabled, but rather healed. Hebrews 12:12

Stumbling across this verse reminds me that God knows my anxious thoughts. He is not far off. Anne’s healing may not come until heaven, but it will come. Eric and I will continue to pray for God to strengthen Anne’s weak knees and level her path to middle school. He is faithful when I am faithless. Thank God.

2015-08-28 20.32.40

8 thoughts on “Level paths for Weak Knees

  1. Rebecca says:

    Ain’t anxiety grand? And then God answers in these interesting and direct ways; showing His deep acquaintance with our grief. I am reminded of Hagar’s name for God, “He is the God who sees”; as she wept with terrible anxiety, worried her son would parish–but God provided for them both. I pray the verse he showed you continues to give you peace in the minutes, hours or days you feel fear and anxiousness. He is the God Who Sees.


  2. Mary Ellen says:

    “Let me be real for a moment.” You are more than real for a moment; you have been real through this whole experience from the minute you asked the policeman to pray for your children until the present. I praise God that through the whole of this experience you and Eric
    have seen both the stark reality of the Anne’s situation and the grace, strength, power and redemption of our Lord within the situation. Only a relationship with Our Lord can do that. He is amazing!


  3. Lu Wings says:

    Wrapping you in the arms of love and prayer-songs as you weather the storms within and without……in the battering you will not be beaten, in the searing you will not be consumed; in the pressure you will become as diamonds, the value of your journey far greater than gold.
    Love you Bunches!


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