Anne’s Four Year Milestone

Today marks 4 years since the accident. On April 13, 2010, Anne woke up as a healthy, able-bodied, 5-year-old child. At noon, she was almost killed in an automobile accident.

Every day since then is a gift for which we are profoundly thankful.

2014-03-22 09.44.50 2014-03-25 19.44.00 2014-03-26 08.38.50 2014-03-30 09.22.16 2014-04-06 10.11.29

Lately I’ve been tweeting some of Anne’s more pithy sayings. Here are a few of my favorite tweets:

Anne finished up her second week of Intensive TheraSuit therapy on Friday. The end of the second week is definitely the most difficult. Here is a video of her walking with a cane late in the day on Friday. Her legs look like noodles. She is SO tired!

We are so thankful for our precious Anne and we can’t wait to see what incredible things God does with her life!!!!!


9 thoughts on “Anne’s Four Year Milestone

  1. Jane Smith says:

    You ALL are amazing!! I know, it’s God in you but still…

    I knew the anniversary was in April but didn’t remember that it was today. Thanks so much for this post! Love seeing the pics and video. (And you look great by the way.) :-) Go, Anne!!

    Love, Jane

    Sent from my iPhone


  2. Wow! 4 years. I have been reading about her for 4 years. I am so thankful it connected me with you again. I have such good memories of you from college and this has given me such cool window into all that God is doing if your life. HE is so GOOD!!


  3. Mary Ellen says:

    It brought tears to my eyes to think where she was not long ago and now to see her walking with a three point cane!. What a brave, determined girl she is! Thanks so much for sharing. I see God’s faithfulness in you all!


  4. Debbie Long says:

    Anne is walking so well! Please tell her how proud I am of her. Thinking of you and the family at this time.

    Miss Debbie


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