
This morning, Canon and I were visited by two of Smyrna’s finest. The two police officers that were first to the scene of our accident dropped by to see how our family was doing. Just the fact that they would take the time to check on us is – well… beyond their call of duty. They were sincerely concerned for us, and especially for Anne.

The officers took time to describe the scene of the accident. Their quick decisions and actions in the face of a night-marish tragedy were one piece in a large puzzle that God used to preserve Anne’s life.

I’ve thought several times how thankful I am that I was unconscious through most of the rescue. When I regained consciousness, the van was surrounded by emergency personnel – loads of them. My kids were obviously in dire need, and helpless myself, I took great comfort in the frenzy around me.

We have been visited by police officers and firemen. EMT workers – both from the ambulance and helicopter have written on this site. Anne’s neurosurgeon has personally written to us about how proud he is of Anne. Nurses and Techs have followed Anne’s progress. God used each of these people to help save Anne’s life. Most of these people thought Anne’s chance of survival was low …very low. Thankfully, God knew different!!

Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is high; I cannot attain it. Psalm 139:6



Flashback to the accident: Kathryn turned her head to look out of her drivers side window as she awoke (after being knocked out from the impact). She saw a Smyrna police officer in rescue mode. In a moment of motherly desperation, she reached out and grasped his arm tightly and asked him – “Are you a Christian?” He said “Yes maam, I am”. Kathryn then blurted out “Oh, Please pray for my children” — The police officer did not skip a beat — he prayed a lightning quick prayer, holding Kathryn’s hand, and ended the prayer, “In Jesus’ name. Amen.” He then went about his business of rescuing the children!! These guys are HEROES!


Anne’s blanket

Grandmom requested the policemen retrieve Anne’s pink blanket from the wreckage. Not only did they find the blanket, but two Smyrna police officers delivered the blanket in person to our home! The Smyrna police have been so great and so caring. We are very proud of them.
