Camp TBI Update

Anne has done GREAT at overnight camp! She’s participated in swimming, archery, canoeing, crafts, music, games and even singing and dancing on stage!! 100_6714



100_6385We are picking her up tomorrow morning, and she starts school on Monday. We have officially survived the summer! Anne has done so well, and we look forward to what God has in store for Anne this school year. Thank you for your prayers and support and love for Anne and the rest of us Jacksons :)

6 thoughts on “Camp TBI Update

  1. Ruth King says:

    This is so very exciting. I knew she would do well, but WOWSEY, she did it ALL. Lovin’ those Jackson stories of Go d’s outpouring of love and grace. (If I could still do a cheer leading jump I would).

    Sent from my T-Mobile 4G LTE Device


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