Roller Coaster ride

Anne is changing.

Typically, Anne progresses in her recovery painstakingly slowly. But lately, the changes have been super quick. Some changes are good – and some seem “bad” but my experience with Anne is that all change is symptomatic of a deeper healing of the brain. So I try to view change as progress.

Here are examples of some of her most recent changes (both “good” and “bad”).

  • She has a stronger will and even less patience – which means she screams (a lot)!
  • She will not wait for you to help her – she stands up and tries to walk wherever she wants to go- whether I’m there to help her or not.
  • She loves playing “pretend” and lately her pretend games have been more nuanced and complicated.
  • She spills her drink at every meal – on purpose.
  • She’s stopped telling me when she needs to go potty.
  • She’s more oral – chewing on her hands when she doesn’t have an appropriate “chewy tube.”
  • She’s walking better – with more fluidity and better balance – and even practicing more with a cane!
  • She consistently recognizes sight words or tries to sound out words that she doesn’t know.

Anne’s life is such a roller coaster…mainly because the brain is so complicated!

Anne begins three weeks of intense TheraSuit therapy on Monday. Her private PT thinks this is an opportune time to start this therapy because of all the changes in Anne. Something is happening in that little brain of hers and this upcoming session of intense therapy will only challenge her toward further improvement.

Stay tuned for updates and pics of Anne’s progress during the next three weeks. Thank you for your support and prayers!

10 thoughts on “Roller Coaster ride

  1. Rebecca says:

    I think…she sounds like a kid!! 😊😊😊and from what little I know it sounds like a great leap in healing. I’m excited for Anne and will be praying for her and for Mommy!!! I want you to be encouraged that in many ways our lives are not so different as we nurture, admonish and encourage these little people God has given us! Know we are all behind you and love you all deeply and we are praying and rooting for you all. May God give you an extra dose of endurance as you go into each day. I thank God for these new leaps in Anne and pray they are smoothed out and useful to her healing. Love you, Mama!!!!


  2. aquak says:

    Oh Kathryn, In some small way I can relate to her…since my stroke all this brain stuff has a totally new personal connection for me! And I think you are very right the changes are good hard but good!

    I will be praying for those connectors to start connecting successfully! And for Anne’s emotions too. That strong will is a gift praying God will use it to help her work hard and not fight it!

    Prying for you too! Hang in there mom you are doing great- hugs! Amy q


  3. victoria eades says:

    Praying for lots of progress during these next few weeks – and eager to hear about al the ways God shows His goodness. :)


  4. I’m so excited to hear that her initiative, drive, and creativity are growing. I remember those as great strengths of the “old Anne.” its exciting to hear that some of that is coming back to help her continue to heal. But Wow, since I have one who wont tell me when she needs poo, and another who screams beyond ridiculous (somewhat randomly) when his little will is thwarted, I can imagine how frustrating the behaviors might be. We love you and Anne and will pray for her and for her family.


  5. Lu says:

    I read your post first thing and have held you in my heart all day.

    In coming back this evening: Love what everyone’s shared in response to hearing about our ever growing, changing, healing Anne.
    Oh to always be on the growing edge! (yet how exhausting too–so crankiness sounds fitting, grin).
    So much love is here. Abiding, steadfast, consistent, long-haul, real-deal love. What a healing balm to sit bathed in this love and light.

    Yes, sounds like the timing’s coinciding “just right” with the ThereaSuit time.

    (I found myself writing a seriously looong book, Lol, so deleted it. You have my heart, love and prayers)


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